Saturday, January 17, 2009


Do you ever have those moments in life that make you realize how short and fast life can be? Do you realize how much we take for granted in the aspect of just living every day? My 12 year old cousin has not been feeling good off and on for the last couple months. Well I received a text from my mom the other day telling me to remember him in my prayers because he was sick and they were taking him right up to primary childrens hospital in Salt Lake City. I called her immediately and she told me they had done blood work a couple of times the last few months and this time his white blood count was really high and he had an enlarged spleen. My immediate thought was cancer which I voiced but my mom said they didn't know and to not even mention that. Well yesterday I repeatedly called my mom asking her for info which she didn't have most of the time. Finally last night around 9:30 pm she called with the news. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. It just kind of hits you in the stomach like a sack full of rocks. I know it happens, but kids aren't suppose to get sick. Things happen for a reason, but sometimes I just wonder.....why? I haven't done much research on this type of Leukemia, but I plan to. I would appreciate everyone if you could pray for him too. I know miracles happen and God loves us. His name is Steven. Thank you.


Cardine said...

Oh, that is so sad. I have known quite a few leukemia survivors. Poor kid...

julie said...

I'm so sorry! You're right, 12 is too young to be so sick. I'll keep him and your family in my prayers!

On a much lighter note, I'm glad you came to Ninja with us!

Emily said...

The doctors are really optimistic about his prognosis so that is good. He had his first batch of chemo at 3am this morning and it made him really sick. Thanks for your prayers.
Julie I am so glad I went to ninja also. It was a lot of fun.