Monday, December 29, 2008

New Year Greetings!!!

Another year has come and gone,
Shared with friends both old and new,
A year of celebration, love, and loss,
Of happiness and times of grief too.
While this year has been a good one,
I wonder where the next one will lead,
With different choices I make in my life,
Each one hopefully will help me succeed.

I look forward to the future,
The past in my heart I'll hold dear,
Starting out the New Year, a beginning,
And with faith I have nothing to fear.
I hope you all had a a nice Christmas,
I know that I had a ball,
I just want to wish everybody,
Happy New Year to one and all!!!


Doublebanker said...

Good positive poem to start off the new year right.

Emily said...

Thank you. I hope so.

Cardine said...

Very nice, Emily.

Also, I was wondering if you would address hair growth? I am trying to grow out my hair to give it to Locks of Love. I want it to be long enough for them to make wigs, but I also don't want my hair to be very short after I cut it. Do you have any suggestions on what I can do to help my hair grow fast and healthy?

julie said...

Hi Emily!! I love your poem, very cool. I'm glad I'm one of your new friends. I hope you have a happy New Year, too!

I'd like to hear the answer to Cardine's question. My hair doesn't grow very fast and when it gets past my shoulders, it becomes limp and lifeless.

Emily said...

Thanks Cardine and Julie. I am glad you are both my new friends.